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Resilience city


Resilience city is measured by the amount of connections that people have, economic capacity, coping with crisis situations, self-fulfillment and quality employment, physical environment, accessibility to a variety of services and products, caring for vulnerable groups in the population.

The local municipality is the most significant factor in the life of the resident. It has the resources, responsibilities and tools to promote solutions in a variety of areas of life so that residents will enjoy quality education, community support, meaningful employment and the ability to earn a living, personal and professional growth.


The areas of influence are wide and there are several possible starting points:


families and children in early childhood - the most significant period of life for self-development.

Adolescents - the period of socialization, self-establishment with the help of the peer group.

Young people - choosing a profession, career development, becoming independent, starting a family.  

Development of the local economy

The local economy is an engine for the growth of a town or region.


What can a local municipality do?

1. Information - Make information accessible to business owners, about rights, obligations, opportunities. Make sure the information is reliable and up to date. And that every business owner in the locality is up to date with all the relevant information.

2. Local procurement - marketing and advertising in a variety of media the local businesses to the local residents. Strengthening sales opportunities, Services and products tailored to the local population, a sense of togetherness and mutual responsibility.

3. Affiliation - Establishment of groups of business owners, who work together with the municipality for the Promotion of Common Interests. Learning new business tools, brainstorming to find creative solutions, and practical actions in the field.

4. Community resilience - connections between businesses and residents, Programs and actions to support vulnerable populations, access to services and products, preserve the environment and sustainability of resources.

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  • דקויות- יעוץ ארגוני לעסקים
  • גל דקל- יועצת ארגונית לעסקים


כל הזכויות שמורות לגל דקל - דקויות יעוץ ארגוני

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